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The Challenge with Evaluating Software

  • You would like to get to know HR Management in the Microsoft world, but have little time?
  • You use Windows and Office, but don't know the capabilities of Microsoft Business Software in the HR environment?
  • You are unsure how to achieve the benefits of digitalization in HR for your company?

Interactive Live Presentation – The Next Step

  • In the presentation, we will show you live how HR Management feels in the Microsoft world
  • We will focus on the improvements you requested in the areas of recruiting, HR administration, talent management, time tracking, and self-services.
  • You will experience the integration of Windows, Office 365, and HR Management in Dynamics 365 through realistic HR scenarios that you can easily understand and relate to.
  • Finally, we will provide suggestions on how you can quickly and seamlessly digitalize your HR processes using best practice approaches.

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